Hypnosis for Pain Management

Do you suffer from Chronic Pain?
Does pain interfere with your sleep?
Do you suffer from Fibromyalgia, migraines, arthritis or other forms of chronic pain?
Do you feel that you have less energy and focus to enjoy life due to your pain?
Have you been given a cocktail of medications from your doctor, only to suffer their side effects?
Have you experienced negative thoughts because of your pain?
Since 1958, Hypnosis has been recognized by The American Medical Association (AMA) as a legitimate treatment modality for a wide range of medical conditions, including chronic pain.

With Hypnosis you will discover how to reduce pain levels and enjoy life more!
Susan A. James does not diagnose pain. It is important to obtain the correct diagnosis from your doctor before beginning any pain management treatment. Susan will work with your doctor, obtaining a referral, before beginning her Chronic Pain Management Program. Throughout the program, you are encouraged to contact your doctor regarding any reduction in medications. Please feel free to contact Susan’s office to discuss details.
Migraines – when I listened to my customized recording as a migraine was coming on, the migraine was gone by the end of the recording and stayed gone, which was often faster and more effective then any of the medications that I had previously tried to control the pain.
After going through Susan's Pain Management Program I can report reduced pain levels, reduced pain medications and side effects, improved sleep, improve energy levels.
Fibromyalgia – when I listen to my customized recording before I went to sleep at night, I was able to sleep straight through until morning, which is something that I had not been able to accomplish for several years due to pain in several tender point of my body.